Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Brinjal-Castor Oil Recipe For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints. In later stages it results in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet and ankles. Pain and inflammation can also occur in other areas and soft tissues of the body other than joints. Here is a simple, easy-to-prepare brinjal castor oil recipe for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s intelligence of protecting itself has been lost. The body defences would have lost the intelligence of differentiating between self and non-self. The body’s protective system (immunity) identifies its own tissues as non-self and start attacking them causing inflammatory processes leading to painful condition.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is called by the name Amavata in Ayurveda (some others call it Vatarakta).

Signs and Symptoms of RA –

  • Fatigue
  • Pain in the joints, Tenderness in the joints
  • Swelling in the joints, Redness of the joints, Warmth in joints
  • Stiffness in the joints (especially early in the morning)
  • Loss of range of motion in the joints
  • Many joints get affected (polyarthritis)
  • Limping
  • Deformity of joints
  • Both sides of the body are affected (symmetric arthritis)

The anti-arthritis recipe:
Ayurveda offers many effective medicines and treatments for effective cure of Rheumatoid arthritis. One among them is Eranda Brishta Vrintaka (Brinjal-Castor oil recipe).

Eranda Brishta Vrintaka (Eggplant-Castor oil recipe) –
Treatment or cure of a disease comes with a package of many restrictions especially a stringent control over some foods.

But how would you feel if you are advised to take a delicious recipe which can fulfil the purpose of your diet and also medicine which can ward off your painful symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Already feeling awesome isn’t it?

I would like to explain an easy recipe to ward off the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis in this article. This can also be prepared at home and easily consumed.

The name of the recipe is Eranda Bhrista Vrintaka which means Brinjal or Brinjals (Egg plant or aubergine / Solanum melongena) processed in Castor oil. This is one famous recipe I have been prescribing in my clinical practise for those suffering from Amavat or RA.

Egg plant being a favourite vegetable used often in our kitchens makes it convenient for me to advise it to be taken in the form of curry prepared with castor oil and kitchen spices. Edible castor oil is also easily available at Indian homes. It might not just suit for those who do not like brinjal and also for those who are sensitive towards taking castor oil. I generally advise after enquiring about these things.
Other names of Brinjal – Egg Plant, Aubergine, Melongene, Garden Egg, Guinea squash etc.

How to prepare this anti-arthritis eggplant curry (recipe)?
Well, it is simple. We just need a couple of ingredients to prepare this recipe. We need –
Brinjal’s (Eggplant fruits) – 8-10 medium sized eggplant fruits
Castor oil – Different varieties of castor oils are available in the market. We should ask for the edible variety of castor oil (other form is used for external application and massage) and have it available in the kitchen.
Cumin powder
Pepper powder
Non-stick cooking pan with lid
Spoon (big sized) for stirring the ingredients

Method of preparation:
The eggplant fruits are sliced into medium sized pieces. The fruits shall be baked in oil without slicing especially if they are small sized. This will be good for those who are less tolerant towards castor oil as there is lesser absorption of oil by the fruits.
The brinjal pieces are put into the non-stick pan

Edible castor oil is added to the pan in a quantity of 40-50ml. Close the lid and oil-bake the fruits for 10-15 minutes on moderate flame. The lid is opened in between to check for the status of eggplant fruits. Care should be taken to see that they are not heated on high flame because by doing so, the fruits get charred. They are repeatedly mixed with big spoons.
When the brinjals get properly steamed in the oil, the pan is removed from the stove.
The ingredients of the curry are seasoned with the addition of a pinch of salt, ¼ spoon’s each of cumin powder and pepper powder. Turmeric powder too can be added in the same proportion. The ingredients are properly mixed.
The eggplant curry is ready to be served
It shall be taken along with rice or with chapati’s (Indian bread) by those suffering from RA.

Hot water or water processed with cumin seeds should be used for drinking. Alternately water processed with Panchakola churna shall be taken while taking the recipe. They will counter the irritant role of castor oil and reduce oil induced nausea (feel to vomit). Cold and refrigerated foods should be avoided.

Before the recipe is planned to be served to the patient, he or she shall be given some medicaments to serve the purpose of enhancing the gut performance and increasing the agni or digestion capacity (deepana drugs) and medicines to digest ama (toxins) i.e. amapachana drugs or compounds. The laxative role of the recipe will further eliminate these toxins and relieve the symptoms. Some of the preferred deepana-pachana drugs or compounds are – Chitrakadi Vati, Panchakola churna, Trikatu churna, Pachanamritam Kashayam, Amritottaram Kashayam etc.

Alternatively –
Medicated castor oil is readily available in the market by the name – Gandharvahastadi Eranda Tailam or Nimbamritadi Eranda Tailam
These oils are prescribed at various stages of RA (Amavat)
They can be used in place of edible castor oil for enhanced effect as they are processed with disease modifying drugs

Benefits of Eggplant-Castor oil recipe –
  • The combination is highly effective in destroying Ama (toxins produced due to ineffective digestion and tissue metabolism which have a tendency to block the channels of nutrition and transportation in the body owing to their sticky nature), mainly due to the presence of Eranda Taila (edible castor oil) in the combo which is known for its antagonistic role against ama and vata.
  • The combination also eliminates the morbid vayu / vata from the body. When ama and vata are taken control of, the disease pathology gets dissolved.
  • Eases the signs and symptoms of RA, relieves pain and stiffness
  • Relieves swelling of joints and soft tissues
  • Improves movements in the joints
  • Acts as a vatanulomana (reliever of morbid vayu)
  • A potent laxative, regulates the bowel movements and throws away the metabolic wastes
  • Improves digestion and tissue metabolism
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Removes inflammation of the joints and soft tissues
  • Since it is served as a food, it plays dual role of being a food supplement and a medicine taken at a single shot. Thus it serves a 2-in-1 role.
  • The recipe is a cost-effective remedy

The recipe is useful in mild to moderate conditions of RA. In severe cases it might not be very fruitful but anyhow it can be served as a diet and can be a part of the treatment protocol.
The recipe is not an ultimate and sole remedy for cure of RA. Amavat or RA needs disease modifying drugs, medicines, immune-modulators, treatments and therapies, dietetic and lifestyle modifications etc to get rid of the disease.

The medicine shall be strictly taken after getting an advice from an expert Ayurvedic doctor who has examined you thoroughly and has diagnosed your disease in an Ayurvedic way. It should be taken under supervision.

Castor oil sensitivity – Many people are either sensitive or reactive to castor oil. Some might just not like the taste or tolerate it. They tend to throw it out by vomiting. Many are sensitive to the irritant smell of the oil. Few others might not tolerate the purgative effect of the castor oil, especially those having a sensitive gut. Such people should avoid taking this recipe and opt out for other options.

People who do not like, are allergic or have habit of taking eggplant fruits can also avoid trying this recipe

People having sensitive and or reactive gut and stomach, stomach and intestinal diseases, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids (piles), colitis, IBS or any other chronic systemic illness etc should take the advice of the doctor before trying this recipe.

The physical constitution (prakriti), the strength of metabolism (agni), nature of ajirna (indigestion), the quality and quantity of ama involved in the disease pathology etc should be thoroughly analysed by Ayurvedic physician and then decide if the recipe be included or not in the treatment protocol or dietetic advice. The quality and quantity of the brinjal and castor oil also should be decided by the consulting doctor beforehand.

By nature, the Pitta constitution people will have more and easy bowel movements. People with Pitta constitution might have excessive purgation after taking the recipe. These people should take the recipe under supervision.

Qualities of Eranda Taila (castor oil):
तैलं एरण्डजं बल्यं गुरु उष्णं मधुरम् सरं।
तिक्त उष्णं पित्तलं विस्रं रक्त एरण्ड् उद्भवं भृशम्॥
एरण्ड तैलं क्रिमिनाशनं च सर्वत्र शूलघ्नम् मरुत् प्रणाशम्।
कुष्ठापहं च अपि रसायनं च पित्त प्रकोप अनिल शोधनं च॥
वर्ध्म गुल्म अनिल कफान् उदरं विषम ज्वरम्।
वात शूल गजेन्द्राणाम् एरण्ड स्नेह केशरि॥{यो.र.}

Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (qualities) – Guru (heavy), Ushna (hot), Sara (flowing), Visram (foul smelling), Balyam (strength promoter),
Doshic action – Alleviates morbid vata and kapha, tends to increase Pitta
It is highly beneficial in the below said conditions:
Krimighnam (anti-helminthic, removes worms and parasites)
Shulaghnam – relieves pain (analgesic) and colic
Anila shodhanam – flushes out the morbid vata
Kushtapaha – cures skin diseases
Rasayana – Anti-ageing, immune modulator, rejuvenator, disease modifying
Vardhma hara – cures hernia
Gulma hara – Best in destroying abdominal tumours
Anila-kaphan – Destroys morbid Vata and Kapha and diseases caused by them
Udara – abdominal diseases
Vishama jwara – intermittent fevers etc
Read more about castor oil benefits and side effects

Read related:
Ayurvedic Home Remedy For Sciatica, Rheumatoid Arthritis With Haritaki
causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Qualities of Vrintaka / Vartuka (Brinjal, egg plant fruit) –
वृन्ताकम् स्वादु तीक्ष्णम् उष्णम् कटु पाकम् पित्तलम्।
ज्वर वात बलासघ्नं दीपनं शुक्रलं लघु॥ {भ.प्र.नि.शाकवर्ग.७९ / Ref-Bhava Prakasha Nighantu Shakavarga, verse 79}

Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (sweet)
Guna (qualities) – Teekshnam (intense and deep penetrating), Ushnam (hot), Laghu (light)
Vipaka (post-digestion effect) – Katu (pungent)
Effect on Tridosha – Pittalam (increases Pitta), Vata-Kapha hara (Destroys morbid Vata and Kapha)
It is useful in fever, kindles digestion, increases production of semen

About Amavata (Ayurvedic perspective of rheumatoid arthritis) –
Amavata is formed by the pathological combination of Ama (toxins or intermediate products of digestion having a sticky nature and capacity to occlude the channels and transport systems of the body) and morbid Vata / Vayu (one of the 3 dosha’s or humoral factors controlling the body) and their subsequent lodgement in the tissues, especially bones, joints and other soft tissues leading to swelling and pain. Ama and morbid Vata independently have a tendency to produce painful conditions wherever they are concentrated. In Amavata we have a deadly combination of both these factors.

Amavata is caused by continuous consumption or exposure to –
Viruddha ahara – mutually incompatible foods
Viruddha chesta – incompatible physical activities
Mandagni – sluggish digestion (at both gut and cellular level)
Nishchala – lack of activities
Snigdham bhuktavato annam vyayamam kurvatastatha – getting indulged into physical activities or exercises immediately after taking food, especially food which consists of or prepared / processed in fats (oil, ghee)

Amavata manifests in 2 forms or stages –
Samanya Amavata Lakshana’s (Gut level manifestation and symptoms): The symptoms of Amavata are initially manifested at the level of gut when the basic core metabolism has been disturbed. Though they are mentioned as generalized symptoms of Amavata, they appear moreover like premonitory symptoms or warning symptoms of the impending harmful and agonizing disease. if treatment is properly done at this stage, the disease doesn’t progress to complicated or full blown stage because at this stage only correction of metabolism (agni) and improving immunity (bala) is the mainstay of the treatment. The symptoms of this stage are –
Angamarda – body aches
Aruchi – tastelessness
Trishna – thirst
Alasya – weakness or lethargy
Gauravam – heaviness of the body
Jwaram – fever
Apaka – indigestion
Angaanam shoonata – swelling of body parts

Pravruddha Amavata Lakshana (symptoms of progressive or chronic disease – symptoms of systemic manifestation of the disease): This is a condition in which the disease is progressive and afflicts bones, joints and soft tissues. Multiple organs are also involved in a later stage. These are also considered as upadravas (complications) of Amavata. Symptoms of progressive Amavata are –
Saruja shotha – Painful swelling (pain resembling scorpion sting) in the joints of hands, feet, head, ankle, low back, sacral, knee, hip etc
Agni daurbalya – low metabolism
Praseka – excessive salivation
Aruchi – tastelessness
Gauravam – heaviness of the body
Utsaha hani – lack of enthusiasm
Vairasyam – manifestation of weird tastes
Daham – burning sensation
Bahu mutrata – frequency of urination
Kukshi shula – colic
Nidra viparyayam – sleep disturbances
Trit – thirst
Chardi – vomiting
Bhrama – giddiness
Murcha – fainting
Hrid graham – stiffness or catches in the heart region
Vibandha – constipation
Jadhya – stiffness of the body
Antra kujana – sounds in abdomen (tummy) etc

Apart from these, the signs and symptoms of vitiation of predominant morbid Dosha’s will be found.
Read related:
Foods to avoid in Rheumatoid arthritis
Diet for RA – recommended foods

To sum up –
Eranda Tailam or Castor oil – best option in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis vis-à-vis Amavata –
According to Ayurveda – Eranda Tailam or Castor oil is said to be the best medicine in tackling Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and its symptoms

आमवात गजेन्द्रस्य शरीर वन चारिणः।
एक एव अग्रण्णीर् हन्ति एरण्ड स्नेह केसरि॥ {यो.र.आमवत चिकित्स ६५ / Ref-Yoga Ratnakara, Amavata Chikitsa verse 65}

Meaning – ‘For an intoxicated elephant called Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) dwelling and destroying the garden called body at will, there is only one controller and that is a Lion named Eranda Sneha (Castor oil)’
That means to say that for a severe arthritis tending to destroy and cripple the whole body, castor oil is the only remedy.

The recipe is not only a cure but also can be used for prevention of Amavata or Rheumatoid arthritis. Those who have a tendency to develop RA or those who have family history of the same can also take the recipe as a preventive measure. It can be taken once in a week, preferably at weekends since the recipe tends to cause a few more bowel movements than you naturally have.

Now you have a strong reason for growing eggplants in your garden. You will not only have a vegetable for your kitchen ready at your disposal but also will serve the purpose of being a handy home-made remedy for RA, if anyone is suffering from it at home or neighbourhood.

So friends, enjoy the curry and as a bonus get rid of your pain and inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis diet – food to avoid

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis is very important in the treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex and chronic disease, involving many systems. In Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, diet advice is as important as Panchakarma therapy and the Ayurvedic medicines. Since Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease (long-standing), the dietary restrictions are to be observed for a long period of time as well.

Rheumatoid arthritis diet plan helps to

  1. Avoid worsening of joint pain, stiffness and swelling
  2. Avoid worsening of gastro – intestinal health.
  3. Avoid ‘Ama’ formation – a state of impaired digestion and metabolism, which is the main cause for Rheumatoid arthritis, according to Ayurveda.
  4. Avoid imbalance of Kapha and Vata, which in turn worsen stiffening, pain and inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis diet:

Healthy eating habit: First thing first. It is mandatory for a rheumatoid arthritis patient to follow healthy eating rules and Ayurvedic eating tips. (click on phrases to read more). It is very important to correct the stomach and intestine health first. There can be many diet to improve digestion metabolism etc, but it will be more fruitful if there is discipline in eating.

Rheumatoid arthritis food to avoid:

Anything that is heavy to digest, that takes long time to digest, is to be avoided.

Ayurveda enlists the following food to avoid in Rheumatoid arthritis –

1. Curds: Curds are not ideal to take in Rheumatoid arthritis as it affects stomach health. Clarification: Curds does not affect stomach health as such. But in rheumatoid arthritis, curd is best avoided.

2. Fishes – are to be avoided. But a few research articles show that fish oil, rich in omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can reduce stiffness, pain and inflammation.

3. A green leafy vegetable called Indian spinach [Basella rubra (Basale soppu in Kannada)] is to be avoided

4. Contaminated water, cold water, frozen food stuff – causes increase in Vata and Kapha leading to increase in pain and stiffness.

5. Taking contrast foods such as – taking milk with fish, etc.

6. Black gram

7. Avoiding natural urges – causes increase in Vata. Click on the phrase to understand this concept. It causes increase in vata, which is not good in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

8. Skipping night sleep – It causes utter Vata imbalance, which is highly unrecommended in RA.

9. High fat meet, mutton etc.

10. Food that are heavy to digest, deep-fried stuff, junk foods, aerated drinks are a strict no no.

11. Oil massage!! – Ayurveda is not all about pouring oils and rubbing on body. In Rheumatoid arthritis, oil massage is not advised, generally.

Click to read causes and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

A disciplined approach to life is a must for rheumatoid arthritis patients.
in Rheumatoid arthritis Ayurveda advices a few diet restrictions. Avoiding certain types of food goes a long way in helping the improvement of joints.
Since Rheumatoid disease is a chronic disease, long term diet restriction is needed.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis: Ayurvedic recommended food

In rheumatoid arthritis Ayurvedic treatment, diet plays an important role in improving the joint health and to keep control on swelling and pain. Since Ayurveda believes that the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis lies in impaired digestion and metabolism, the rheumatoid arthritis diet also targeted to improve the same. Rheumatoid arthritis Ayurvedic diet:

Ayurveda advises to include following food items to be included in rheumatoid arthritis.

Garlic: Recent study states that the micro nutrients of garlic helps in preventing arthritis changes of bones. Click to read

Buttermilk: Curds is a food item to avoid, but buttermilk is good for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Two garlic pearls with 2 ounces of buttermilk is an excellent daily drink and home remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger, long pepper and pepper – These three help to correct digestion and metabolism, hence recommended for daily usage in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Barley, horse gram: Both these are very easy to adopt in diet.

Drum stick tree: fruit and leaves, being in rich in calcium & vitamin C, is highly recommended in Rheumatoid arthritis.

Bitter gourd (Bitter melon): It improves digestion, very low in calorie and good source of Vitamin B1, 2 & 3. It is a good detoxifying herb and is traditionally indicated in diet for rheumatoid arthritis.

Hot water: Hot water drinking is beneficial to improve digestion. Regular drinking of hot water helps to bring lightness to the joints and improves flexibility in Rheumatoid arthritis.

Food to avoid: While it is important to know what food is good, it is also important to know food to avoid in rheumatoid arthritis. It makes the complete rheumatoid arthritis diet plan.

Sunday, 20 December 2015


December 10, 2015

The combination rice and beans are considered as complete protein because they will provide you with all 9 essential amino acids when consumed together. Most of the grains are deficit in amino acids lysine and isoleucine, which means that they should be consumed in combination with legumes in order to be “complete”.Quinoa has been a basic food in South America for 4000 years and it contains low amounts of fat, high amounts of fiber and proteins and low glycemic index. It also contains high levels of minerals and vitamins.

Some people claim that quinoa is gluten-free grain, but in fact it is very nutritious vegetable seed rather than a grain. Quinoa has relation with the beets and spinach which are rich with a very rare vegetable-sourced complete protein that contains all 9 essential amino acids.

Even though quinoa is technically not a grain, it is known as “chisaya mama,” or “the mother of all grains.” People worship it as a sacred since it blossoms through the whole hot summer and during dry weather when other plats become weak, the quinoa harvest doubles. Quinoa harvest starts before the cold winter when the proteins and fats are spent more.

Quinoa contains more fat than wheat and other grains, even though it is considered as a low-fat protein plant. It contains high amount of oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fat included in olive oil and at the same time it is very beneficial for the heart. It also contains alpha-linolenic acid which is also beneficial for the heart. Which is more important, these good fats are completely stable and do not oxidize while cooking, which is not the case with most of the fats.

Scientists claim that this is because of the increased amounts of antioxidants included in quinoa. It contains high levels of the alpha, beta and gamma forms of vitamin E, polyphenols and flavonoids such as quercetin that increases its shelf life and in the same time protects the seed from burning in hot conditions.

Not only it is pretty famous as substitution for the low-protein grains, it is also very popular for its positive effect on the blood sugar levels. Since it is low-glycemic food, it applies low blood sugar stress on the organism, but its large fiber content assists in reducing the absorption of other sugars from the digestive system into the blood. A study has proven that it is better than 10 other Peruvian grains in its impact on weight and blood sugar.

Not only the quinoa kept low blood sugar levels in the participants, but it also made them fuller after the meal in comparison with the rice or wheat- reported the Satiating Efficiency Index (SEI). It also contains high amounts of magnesium which is also very beneficial when it comes to healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

The quinoa should be the basic food during the winter and autumn because it is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation food that is rich with minerals, vitamins, fiber, proteins and heart-beneficial fats. The fact that in this period the need for healthy high-protein foods is increased only supports this debate.

Quinoa Cooking Instructions
  1. Rinse the quinoa seed in order to remove its skin because it is a little bit bitter. You can use fine strainer for this purpose.
  2. You should add 2 cups of water for every cup of quinoa and allow it to boil.
  3. Cover it, reduce the heat to low and whisk for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the quinoa once again since it holds a lot of water.
  5. Put the strained quinoa in the warm pot and stir for 15 minutes without heat. This will allow you to get fluffy and light quinoa without water.

Magic Recipe For The Fastest Hair Growth!

A Magic Recipe For The Fastest Hair Growth! You Only Need 3 Ingredients!

People have always linked hair loss and baldness to old age. That could have been true many years ago, but with this lifestyle, pollution, stress, food and toxins of our modern times, that is no longer the case. People are losing hair even in their young age.

In fact, some of the biggest concerns among people of both sexes are hair loss and baldness. It affects our levels of self-confidence and our own positive perception about ourselves takes a beating. We are trying everything, just to achieve our old looks, but without any success.

We’ve certainly all used chemical-based products available on the market. Instead of providing any long term solution, they only cause more harm. Hair transplantation may be an option, but it’s so expensive that most of us can’t afford it.

We’re here presenting you a natural and simple remedy for hair loss and you certainly won’t hear about it anywhere else! It is a highly effective and safe treatment. The best thing is that the ingredients required for it can be found in your kitchen!


There are only 3 ingredients included in this recipe:
  1. 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  2. 1 egg yolk
  3. 1 tablespoon of honey

Make sure that you mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix them well and then apply them on the roots of your hair first and then on all your hair. Leave this mixture on your hair for 2 to 4 hours. Make sure you’re wearing a shower cap to prevent it from falling off.

Wash the mixture off your hair using a shampoo or hair conditioner. If you do this once every week (it’s recommended to do it twice) for 2 months, you’ll start noticing that your hair has stopped falling and there’s new growth.

How do these 3 ingredients help you?

Their benefits are the following:

Egg Yolk
It’s full of proteins, amino acids and all the nutrients needed for your hair to grow faster and healthier. The biotin which can be found inside egg yolks is also beneficial for renewing your follicles and roots of your hair.

Castor Oil
Castor oil has been used for thousands of years precisely for treating hair loss. It has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits. It also helps you fighting infections of the scalp, dandruff, as well as folliculitis.

Ricinoleic acid present in castor oil boosts the blood flow into our scalp and further enhances the re-growth of your hair. Research shows that castor oil is capable of improving our hair growth by maximum 5 times.

Honey is another ingredient with great anti-fungal and germicidal benefits. This strong antioxidant is also the perfect ingredient for our hair re-growth. Actually, it also has naturally-occurring wax that works as the ideal conditioner for your hair.

When you connect all the benefits from these ingredients together, the result is a hair re-growth treatment which is unmatched in its effectiveness. You’ll be able to get back longer and more beautiful hair! Your confidence will be boosted, too! It’s completely natural and there’s no need to worry about any side effects. In fact, you’ll only have many positive health benefits!
- See more at:

Monday, 14 December 2015



Takes about 15 mins to get the ingredients prepared and just 15 mins of cooking for Kichiri to be ready!)

1 cup of basmati rice or other long-grain rice
1/2 cup of split lentils (like split green mung beans)
1 small onion, finely sliced
1 tbsp grated ginger
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
6 cloves
12 peppercorns
2 tsp whole cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground chilli
Salt (to taste)
2 tbsp vegetable oil for cooking
4 cups of warm water for cooking


Split green mung beans – green dahl is easy to find in any Indian grocer and it’s cheap – it’s quick to cook and full of goodness. If you use black or whole dahl, then they take a little longer to cook, so adjust your cooking times accordingly. 
Start by washing your rice and dahl under running cold water. If you wash less, your dish can get quite stodgy, if you prefer it that way. 

Drain your rice & dahl, set to one side – try to get as much of the water out as possible (without pouring your mixture down the drain – yes, I’ve done this a couple of times!)
Heat your oil in a large saucepan and add in your cumin, cloves and peppercorns – let them cook for about 30 seconds. Don’t have your pan too hot or they’ll burn – if they do, chuck it out and start again. The whole dish will have a bitter taste.
Add in your onions, coriander, chilli, ginger, garlic and salt. Most people know I’m not a big fan of salt, but you need some in this dish – so add in at least 1/2 a teaspoon. Fry your onions gently until they brown.
Time to put in your rice & dahl and fire up the heat on your stove. You want to cook your rice a little to give it richer taste.
I’ve cooked mine until my translucent rice has started to go white – not brown.
Pour in 4 cups of warm water and mix everything around. Make sure there aren’t any stray grains of rice on the side of the pan.
Cover and bring to the boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 10 mins. Don’t be tempted to open the lid – don’t be tempted to tamper with it – magic is happening – you can’t do anything.

Remove the lid – DON’T be tempted to stir your dish – there’s still a bit of water in there and you could mush the whole lot. 
Remove the lid and cook for a further 5 mins to dry it out. You’ll see the whole spices have risen to the top – if you want to remove them, you can – we leave them in, but they can be a not-so-pleasant surprise for someone not realising what they’ve bit in to. 
Most Indians will finish their plate and have a pile of whole spices to the side – we’re just used to it :)
Serve with lots of plain yoghurt and big dollop of butter – mix and enjoy.


Shankhaprakshalana-Master Cleansing

Master Cleansing


The word Shankhaprakshalana comes from two words. Shankha meaning "conch" and prakshalana meaning to wash completely. 

The word shankha is used to represent the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus. 

This practice is also known as "varisar dhouti". This practice is also a part of kaya kalpa, which is an ayurvedic technique for physical purification and transformation, kaya means body & kalpa means transformation. 

Shankhaprakshalana is the process to clean the intestinal tract by removing the impurities with salty water.

NOTE - No one should try this in absence of Yoga Guru and without advice of medical practitioner.

Pre- preparation : Plenty of clean, warm water should be available, add 2 tea spoons of salt per liter to the water and 1 lemon juice per litter. Please Do not add sugar.

Place to practice : The best place to practice Shankhapkshalana is a garden or in an open area where there's fresh air. Make sure that adequate toilet facilities are near by. The practice is best with a group of people doing together. The atmosphere should be relaxed to make sure that there are free bowl movements.

Procedure : Start the process early in the morning at 6 to 7am. Initially drink 2 glasses of the water preparation as quickly as possible, in a sitting position. Perform the following 6 asanas dynamically 6 times each, in all 36 asanas in one round, practice 2 rounds in the correct order as explained below :

  1. Keep the feet apart 16-18 inches from each other.
  2. Lift both the arms in front, bring it to shoulder level and interlock your fingers.
  3. Take interlocked hands up and face the palms up, straighten your arms
  4. Lift your heals up and stretch your body in upward direction, stay for a while and then release it
Repeat this asana for 6 times and then go for another asana

Tiriyak tadasana
  1. Take the same position as tadasana without lifting the heals.
  2. Stretch the body up and bend towards left from waist and hold the position for some time.
  3. Come back to pre-position and relax.
  4. Bend towards right and hold for some time.
  5. come back to pre-position and release

Repeat it from the right side. This completes first round. Do 6 rounds continually.

Katti chakrasana
  1. Take distance between both the legs of about 16-18 inches
  2. Raise your arms side-ways to shoulder level, palms of the hands facing downwards & parallel to ground.
  3. Turn from the waist towards left, keeping the arms parallel to ground.
  4. Bend Right arm in elbow and turn around your body and put the hand on the left shoulder.
  5. Bend left arm in elbow and turn from back twist around the waist towards right.
  6. Turn your neck towards the left and give twist to whole body towards left. Remain still for a while in this position and then release the asana.

repeat this asana for 6 times and then go for another asana

 Tiryaka bhujangasana

Pre position - prone position
  1. Bring both hands near the chest and place palms on the ground, keep the fingers together pointing front except the thumb drawn towards the body, Touch the forehead to the ground & raise the forehead, bend the neck backward.
  2. The distance between the legs should be 10-15 inches and touch the toes on the ground by stretching backwards.
  3. Bend the right hand in elbows and keeping the left hand straight from waist and give twist towards left along with neck
  4. Release this position and repeat from right side and complete one round.
Repeat this asana for 6 times.

  1. Take distance between 2 legs of about 8-10 inches, bend the knees touch the soles and sit down.
  2. Put both the hands on the knees bending the elbows.
  3. With the help of left hand press the left knee towards right foot but don?t lift up the right leg up in this position, give the pressure of right thigh to left thigh
  4. Remain still in this position for while and then release

Repeat this asana for 6 times.

  1. Take the same position as udarakarshana
  2. Put your left leg in front of about 1 feet and bend the right knee towards the left foot
  3. Lift the right knee up and put it 1 feet forwards and at the same time left knee towards the right foot
  4. In the same way move forward and walk for about 20 feet by following same steps.

Drink two glass of water which is specially prepared and repeat all the asanas each 6 times. 

If you need to go to the toilet, go and empty your bowels if they have not yet been emptied do not strain, it is not essential at this point. 

Drink two glasses of water and repeat two rounds of the asanas. When you feel to go to toilet leave the particular asana and go to toilet, and then come back continue from where you had left that particular asana. 

Afterwards continue drinking the water, performing the asanas and going to toilet.

As pressure increases less stools and more water will be evacuated. Eventually cloudy yellow water and finally almost clear water will be evacuated, but it varies from person to person. The speed at which one completes the practice should not be compared with that of others.

Total rest for about 1 hr to 45 min is essential after the practice of shankhaprakshalan in shavasana position, one should not sleep as it may result in a cold or headache. 

Try to maintain complete silence because during this time the whole digestive system is given a chance to recharge itself. Passing urine at this time is perfectly normal.

Special meal

2 hours after completing shankhaprakshalan the specially prepared food, khichri (rice + moong lentils), must be taken, eating this meal at correct time is essential. 

The 3 components of the khichri are helpful in the restoration of correct digestive function. 

The clarified butter (cow's ghee) is necessary to coat the intestinal walls until the body produces new lining. 

Rice provides simple easily digestible material in the form of carbohydrates and creates mucus, which also protects the inner lining of the alimentary canal. 

The lentils supplement the diet by giving the body an easily digestible source of protein, it's an all round nutritional meal and sufficient quantity of it must be eaten to help the intestines and keep the walls of the gut stretched, other wise they may cramp due to the absence of the bulk to which they are accustomed. 

This bulk not only maintains the lane but also aids the intestine to resume peristalsis. It is also important in order to present in digestion, diarrhea and constipation.

Further rest However, it is important not to sleep for at least 3 hours, after the initial meal Sleep during this period may lead to physical lethargy and headache; complete rest should be taken for the remaining of the day and also for the following days. 

During this period it is advisable to keep moan (silence) and avoid physical & mental work.

Second meal Khichri should also be prepared for the late afternoon or evening meal, about 6 hours after the first meal. 

Frequency This practice should be preformed only once in 6 months.

Duration The whole day should be aside for this practice and the following day for the rest.

Practice - 1st day - 1 round, an increase one round per day, for 6 days.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Instant Noodles are Dangerous to Your Health

Warning: Instant Noodles are Dangerous to Your Health

Instant noodles are everyone’s favorite. They are easy to cook and quite tasty when garnished with the right toppings.

Kids love their occasional noodle treats. Parents who work full time often find it convenient to fix their kids a delicious bowl of noodles for dinner, and often fix themselves one, too.

While a steaming bowl of chicken soup is a favorite home remedy during flu season, hot soupy noodles have also gained popularity as a comfort food during sick spells.

They are the perfect midnight snack and the perfect lunchbox option for kids. The appeal of instant noodles in endless.

Instant noodles boast another benefit – they are easy on the pocket. No wonder they are the ultimate go-to food for every college student strapped for money.

Their inexpensiveness is also a major reason for their high consumption rate. It is common practice in many homes to buy at least 4 or 5 packs of instant noodles when grocery shopping.

People in China, Indonesia and Japan are the highest consumers of instant noodles in the world, according to a 2015 estimation published by the World Instant Noodles Association.

The common perception about instant noodles is that they aren’t healthy, but they aren’t excessively harmful either.

However, in reality, they are far worse.

Instant noodles are devoid of any nutritional value. Every aspect of their production, from their basic composition to the measures taken to preserve them, packs a major health risk factor for consumers.

Contrary to popular belief, topping your instant noodles with veggies may enhance their nutritional value, but it does not counter their negative health effects and miraculously turn them into a health food.

Here are some reasons instant noodles are dangerous to your health.

1. Contain Harmful Preservatives
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and t-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) are the main preservatives added to instant noodles to prevent rancidness and keep them usable longer.

BHA doubles and TBHQ triples the shelf life of instant noodles, according to a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society.

Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the consumption of moderate levels of TBHQ, long-term constant exposure to this preservative may prove carcinogenic, according to a 2005 study published in Drug Metabolism and Disposition.

According to the American Cancer Society, BHA is “reasonably anticipated” as being a human carcinogen.

The European Mission includes BHA in a list of chemicals with possible endocrine-disrupting effects. The endocrine system is responsible for the production and regulation of hormones, a disruption of which is likely to cause several adverse developmental, immune, neurological and reproductive effects.

2. Don’t Digest Easily
This is far more harmful than it sounds.

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital used a minuscule camera to observe the effects of noodles on the digestive tract over 32 hours.

The video revealed the stomach working hard, contracting back and forth, to break down the noodles. The noodles remained undigested for a long time and severely strained the digestive tract.

Furthermore, the retention of instant noodles in the digestive tract for so long means you get overexposed to the toxic chemicals and preservatives, such as TBHQ and BHA, found in the noodles, which can prove carcinogenic.

Long-term exposure to TBHQ can also cause asthma, anxiety and diarrhea in some people. It can also adversely affect the liver and the reproductive organs.

3. Increases the Risk of Heart Disease
“Metabolic syndrome” is defined as a group of symptoms that increases a person’s chances of contracting heart disease, having a stroke and developing diabetes.

These symptoms include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglyceride level, high blood sugar and increased abdominal fat.

Women who consumed noodles 2 or 3 times a week reported an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome, according to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Furthermore, deep-frying is a step in the production process of most instant noodles. This further saturates the noodles with excess fat from the oil, making it a greater risk factor for heart disease.

Noodles that are air-dried skip the deep-frying, which makes them a comparatively healthier alternative.

4. High in Saturated Fats
While eating any kind of fat excessively increases your risk of obesity, saturated fats are especially harmful as they spike your low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or the “bad” cholesterol) level and increase the risk of heart disease.

The World Health Organization recommends avoiding dietary saturated fats.

LDL cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity and abdominal fat levels improved in subjects who switched from saturated fats to polyunsaturated fats, according to a 2002 study published in Diabetologia.

Depending upon the manufacturing process, the amount of saturated fat found in different brands of instant noodles may differ.

Instant noodles fried in palm oil, lard or butter before packaging are likely to have a higher saturated-fat content. Some instant noodles’ seasoning may also contain oils high in saturated fats.

Check the nutrition label to learn the exact amount of saturated fats in your preferred brand of instant noodles and assess the health risk accurately.

5. High in Salt
Sodium-rich salt is the indispensable taste-enhancer. However, too much of it is very harmful to your health.

Compared to moderate consumption, high dietary sodium consumption was recognized as a major factor in high death rates in 23 case studies and 274,683 randomized control trials, according to a 2014 study published in the American Journal of Hypertension.

Instant noodles are rich in salt, and therefore, rich in sodium.

Excess sodium has been linked with high blood pressure (hypertension) and, in turn, heart disease, heart failure and strokes.

Patients with hypertension who consumed a special diet (rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products with low levels of dietary sodium) experienced significantly reduced blood pressure levels, according to a 2001 study published in The American Journal of New Medicine.

6. Made from Refined Flour

Instant noodles are made from white flour.

The nutrient-rich parts of a wheat kernel are the germ and the bran. These are both removed during the production of refined flour, and all that remains is nutrient-devoid carbohydrates in the form of starch.

Carbohydrates increase the blood sugar levels in your body, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.

High consumption of instant noodles can also increase the risk of excess sugar in the bloodstream. Your body gradually converts excess sugar into fat and stores it away for later use. This induces obesity – another risk factor for heart disease.

7. May Contain Harmful Toxins

Most instant noodles are fried during the production process.

When the oil used for frying these noodles isn’t constantly changed or properly maintained, oxidizing agents accumulate in the oil.

Gradually, these oxidizing agents attract toxins that are transferred to the packaged product along with the spoiled oil and fat.

Food poisoning has broken out in Japan in the past due to the presence of degraded oil and fat in instant noodles, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches and nausea, according to a 2006 study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Safe production methods of instant noodles are still a valid concern.

The World Instant Noodles Association has, since then, defined and promoted stringent production standards to decrease the risk of contamination and food poisoning by instant noodles.

8. May Contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

This is not true for all brands of instant noodles, but some use MSG as an ingredient in flavor packets that accompany instant noodles.

MSG is a flavor enhancer, especially popular in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines.

Health and nutrition data of 10,095 healthy Chinese adults correlating to the period of 1991-2006 collected from the China Health and Nutrition Survey linked high MSG consumption over the years to excess weight gain.

Although the FDA has labeled MSG a safe additive, its harmful effects are still debated.

Since the 1960s, people who regularly consumed MSG-rich Asian cuisine reported severe headaches, mouth and neck numbness, chest pain and excessive sweating and flushing episodes. This group of symptoms eventually came to be known as the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.”

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Reverse Cavities Naturally & Heal Tooth Decay

How to Reverse Cavities Naturally & Heal Tooth Decay

There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution to oral wellness is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material.
But according to a study published in the British Medical Journal, cavities and tooth decay could potentially be healed or reversed with diet. (1)
A study was performed on 62 children with cavities, and they were divided into three different diet groups. Group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal (rich in phytic acid). Group 2 consumed a normal diet and supplemented with vitamin D. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and took vitamin D.
The results found that group 1 who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid had an increase in cavities. Group 2 had improvements in cavities and less form. Group 3 who followed a grain-free diet with nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and took vitamin D saw the greatest improvements in which nearly all cavities healed.
cavities in dietary groups bar graph
This study along with the backing of many doctors and dentists is proving we have been misinformed about what causes cavities and how to reverse cavities naturally.
Dentist Ramiel Nagel who authored the book Cure Tooth Decay has helped many of his patients “reverse” their tooth decay and would rather not put in fillings. He believes that you can prevent and heal cavities with nutrient-rich foods.
In this article I am going to go over the causes of tooth decay and how it may be prevented and in many cases even reversed.

The Cause of Tooth Decay

cavity dental exam
To understand the link between diet and oral wellness we must start with one of the most well-respected dentists who ever lived Weston A. Price.
West A. Price lived in the early 1900’s and was the chairman of the National Dental Association (1914-1923), and a pioneer for the ADA.
Weston Price traveled the world searching to discover what causes tooth decay. Dr. Price found a common link between eating modern foods and cavities. He witness that many indigenous isolated tribes had perfect teeth and little tooth decay. But once they were exposed to a western diet they experienced tooth decay, bone loss and chronic illness.
According to the American Dental Association this is the cause of tooth decay:
“[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.”
But the truth is the ADA is only hitting on 1 of the 4 things that could contribute to tooth decay.
According to the insights of Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Ramiel Nagel there are 4 main things that contribute to tooth decay:
  1. Lack of minerals in the diet (calcium, magnesium and phosphorus)
  2. Lack of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) (especially D)
  3. Too much consumption of Phytic Acid rich foods
  4. Too much consumption of processed sugar
Let’s discuss the 4 aspects that cause tooth decay and how they can be addressed with diet.

How to Reverse Cavities Naturally

Don’t be fooled, in addition to brushing and flossing daily, there are several ways you can reverse cavities naturally and maximize your oral health without resorting to taking in fluoride. Here are just a few for you to consider:
different types of sugar
Removing Sugar – Probably the worst culprit of them all for anyone who desires healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar should be avoided like the plague. Not only does sugar feed oral bacteria that prevents a healthy flow of dental fluids, it is highly acidic and can literally decalcify or demineralize the structural content of teeth that create dental decay.
This means staying away from soda, candy, and baked goods with sugar. Additionally, use raw honey and maple syrup and drink juices sparingly as too much sugar can contribute to cavity formation. Be careful of artificial sweeteners because of their health risks as well. Bottom line: Make stevia your new best friend along with raw honey in moderation!
Removing Phytic Acid – Phytic acid (phytate) is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans which can serious health problems in our diets.The main reason phytic acid has become an issue today is because we have stopped ancient food preparation techniques such as sprouting or sourdough fermentation which kills off the phytic acid.

According to research published in the The Lancet a diet high in phytic acid will create mineral deficiencies and cause osteoporosis.
80% of phosphorus in grains and beans is bound to phytic acid so it is completely un-absorbable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability in humans, these molecules bind minerals necessary for oral health such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc; thus, causing them to be unavailable for proper utilization. Consuming foods high in phytic acid decreases magnesium absorption by 60% and zinc by 20%.
Phytic acid not only doesn’t allow you to absorb in minerals in your food, it also leaches minerals out of your body, bones and teeth!
Subsequently, the powerful anti-nutritional effects of phytic acid have been known to cause digestive disorders, lack of appetite, nutrient deficiencies, and tooth decay. A good rule of thumb is to limit your grain consumption and stay completely clear from unfermented soy products. Because phytic acid is much higher in foods grown using modern high-phosphate fertilizers than those grown in natural compost, try to only eat foods that are organic and GMO-free.

If you are aiming to improve your health and reverse cavities, foods high in phytic acid like grains, beans, nuts and soy should be avoided. However, if you soak grains or nuts and then sprout them or do sourdough fermentation you can reduce phytic acid by around 50 – 100%.
raw milk
Raw Dairy and Nutrient Rich Foods – Raw dairy is filled with the vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthy dental fluid flow and help maintain strong teeth, promote oral wellness and it’s how to get cavity-free teeth. Loaded with calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, magnesium, phosphorus, and fat-soluble vitamins it is a good idea to consume raw dairy products at least weekly. I recommend goat’s milk kefir, raw cheeses and organic grass-fed butter are great options.
Remember, if you’re going to beat tooth decay, you need to increase your fat soluble vitamin intake and mineral intake. If I were creating an ideal diet to follow, it would look like this:
  • Rich in animal foods like bone broth, meat, fish and eggs.
  • Raw and cooked vegetables especially green leafy vegetables.
  • Raw dairy like kefir, cheese and grass-fed butter
  • Fruit one piece daily early in day
  • High vitamin D – get plenty of sunshine and days not in sun supplement with 5,000IU daily of D3.
  • Foods high in healthy fat like coconut oil, avocado, olives and fish or fermented cod liver oil.
  • Fermented grains only and in moderation such as true sourdough bread (or even better no grains at all). You can buy raw flours and breads here: and
  • Nuts, seeds and beans only that have been sprouted. You can find sprouted nuts and seeds at:
  • Finally, NO processed food, packaged food or fast food.
Mineralizing Tooth Paste – First of all, I know it can get expensive, but there are several brands of fluoride-free toothpaste that you won’t have to pay a small fortune to get your hands on. Second, if you’re looking to save a buck or two and also want to remineralize your teeth in a particularly powerful way, try making your own!
  • 4 tbsp. Coconut Oil
  • 2 tbsp. Baking Soda (aluminum free)
  • 1 tbsp. xylitol or 1/8 tsp. stevia
  • 20 drops peppermint or clove essential oil
  • 20 drops trace  minerals or (calcium/magnesium powder)
coconut oil
Oil Pulling – Used for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that has gained some popularity in the U.S. the last several years. Simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for20 minutes, this simple oral detoxification procedure has been praised to cure everything from gingivitis to headaches to systemic diseases like diabetes! 
If you can’t do 20 minutes, 3-5 minutes is still good. I recommend using coconut oil or MCT Oil and a drop or two of clove and/or tea tree essential oils for maximal antiseptic and antifungal power. Here are some tips:
  • The best time to oil pull (like most other detoxification procedures) is first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed.
  • Don’t let the 20 minutes time frame deter you. You won’t even notice 20 minutes have gone by if you do this during your normal morning routine (i.e. while you shower, put your clothes on and prep for the day).
  • Immediately afterwards, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Use salt water for added antimicrobial properties.
  • Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow.
  • Finally, brush your teeth as normal.
Note: This should be a relative relaxing process, so don’t feel compelled to vigorously swish your mouth with oil for the entire time or else you’re bound to get sore jaw muscles. Simply and gently move the oil in your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing any of it.
In a nutshell, these are the best ways to naturally reverse cavities. Take charge of your oral wellness today and show off your new, healthy smile with pride!
Mellanby M, Pattison CL. The Influence of a Cereal-Free Diet Rich in Vitamin D And Calcium on Dental Caries in Children. British Medical Journal 1932; 1(37): 507-510.
Guyenet, Stephan. Reversing Tooth Decay. Available at:
Nagel R. Living with phytic acid. Available at:
Southward K. The systemic theory of dental caries. General Dentistry 2011; 59(5): 367-73.
Wills MR and others. Phytic Acid and Nutritional Rickets in Immigrants. The Lancet, April 8, 1972, 771-773.
Navert B and Sandstrom B. Reduction of the phytate content of bran by leavening in bread and its effect on zinc absorption in man. British Journal of Nutrition 1985 53:47-53;
Bohn T, et al. Phytic acid added to white-wheat bread inhibits fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004 79:418 –23.
Dephytinization of wheat bran by fermentation with bakers’ yeast, incubation with barley malt flour and autoclaving at different pH levels. Journal of Cereal Science 2008 48(2):471-476.
Wellness Mama. Homemade remineralizing toothpaste recipe. Available at:

Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead

Eggshells contain the perfect amount of the ideal substances for healing cavities – massive amounts of calcium and 27 other minerals. The composition of eggshells resembles our teeth. Eggshells provide the necessary amount of calcium to remineralize teeth. Just boil shells from one organic free range egg for about 5 minutes. You can add them daily into your smoothies or grind them into a fine powder and add it to your food.

Eggshells have unique beneficial medicinal properties
Bone tissue is composed of calcium. Actually, human bones and teeth are very similar to an eggshell’s composition. One of the benefits of eggshells is the calcium contained in the shell (93 %), the bone marrow is fulfilling its hematopoietic function better.

Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition, 2nd Edition

Additionally, eggshells also contain mineral elements: magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, potassium, iron, sulfur, aluminum, etc.

There are 27 elements found in the eggshells. Also the protein of a shell is composed of such essential amino acids as methionine, cysteine, lysine, isoleucine. Thus, properly prepared eggshells are the most balanced natural means to obtain calcium.

Eggshells are especially beneficial for small children because their bodies experience more intensively involved in the formation of bone tissue, which requires an uninterrupted flow of calcium. Shell’s included in baby food can be beneficial to prevent rickets and anemia, which usually develops in parallel with rickets. Shell’s promote activation of blood in the bone tissue.

Studies also showed accelerated healing when using the shell for treating such orthopedic diseases as congenital dislocation of a hip or osteoporosis (softening of the bones).

To use eggshells for medicinal purposes, you need to use organic eggs in order to avoid any chemicals or antibiotics.

How to prepare:
Take eggshells and put them in boiling water for about 5 minutes. The boiling will kill any pathogens. Then, air dry the shells and grind the shells in a coffee grinder. Take a 1/2 teaspoon a day. It is important to note that Vitamin D greatly aids calcium absorption. So make sure to get enough sunlight or eat organ meats such as liver.

Amazing New Paste Heals Cavities Without Drilling!
November 29, 2015 · by whatintheworld

An incredible breakthrough treatment for tooth decay is set to be unveiled shortly: A team of researchers in Japan led by Kazue Yamagishi, D.M.D. have come up with a special paste that regenerates the tooth enamel, causing teeth to self-repair. This is an astonishing discovery.

Did you know that 60% of dental therapy is said to be a retreatment of teeth that have already been treated? This is because dental filling materials such as resin or metal alloy are totally different from a tooth in composition and structure, and those differences cause tooth decay at the point where the two materials make contact.

Remineralization of teeth is a subject plagued by controversy, with “orthodox” dental theory holding that once teeth are decayed, there is simply no going back. But has this ever struck you as strange? If your skin or bones are damaged, they grow back. Why not teeth? Why is this “impossible”? Alternative dental theory, such as that propounded by Dr. Westin A. Price, maintains that the problem with our teeth is actually caused by modern agriculture, which does not provide the body with the level of minerals that are needed to prevent decay or even for teeth to heal. Dr. Price examined the skulls of very ancient tribal people and found that they had excellent and even perfect dental health, despite living in an era before toothpaste, toothbrushes or dental fillings existed! [1]

However, the “official position” on whether tooth enamel can regenerate “naturally” may soon be completely irrelevant, thanks to the work of Kazue Yamagishi – whose synthetic enamel treatment will (according to his website) be available to the public in 2016. He states on his website “We have succeeded in developing such therapy of dreams”. [2] Curiously, the method makes perfect sense: Regrow the tooth using the exact crystalline minerals a tooth is made from, rather than attempting to patch it with another substance.

Enamel is the outer layer of the human tooth. It is approximately 1 to 1.5mm thick and composed of hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals. Acid-forming bacteria in the mouth typically damage this enamel gradually over time and this effect is of course accelerated by poor dental hygiene, which allows the bacteria to grow in greater numbers. The new paste of Dr. Yamagishi “grows HAP crystals, which are exactly like those in natural enamel, at the affected site within 15 min”. The team reported their exact methods (including listing the exact substances used) in a scientific paper [3] and reported that the new enamel, when examined under a high power microscope, grew continuous crystals, with no discontinuous boundary being observed.[3]

The treatment is currently in the clinical trial stage in Japan, but no trials are scheduled in EU or USA yet. Another great reason to visit Japan… but let’s show our support for introducing these possibilities to the rest of the world.

Note that this paste will require a dentist’s application and is reported unsuitable for home use due to the care which must be taken for the chemicals not to touch the gums at all. Also it is reported to work best on “microcaries” – the first stage of dental decay. However it really does seem that this treatment could prevent decay from ever getting hold and even bring us to the point where with proper treatment, tooth decay really becomes a thing of the past!

Another interesting positive effect of the proposed new treatment is that the treated tooth will become whiter than a normal tooth owing to the purity of the apatite minerals used – so it will be a whitening treatment into the bargain. [4]


[1] How To Heal Cavities – The Astonishing Claims Of The Oil Pullers (

[2] Kazue Yamagishi’s Webpage for the synthetic enamel treatment

[3] Kazue Yamagishi “A Synthetic Enamel for Rapid Tooth Repair” – Nature, 2005.

[4] Kazue Yamagishi’s FAQ on the new paste