Journey From Leprosy Stricken Beggar To Social Worker – 1
Dear Shri Hebbar Ji,
Thank You very much for encouraging words and inviting me to share my experiences. In this letter, I would like to brief my life after Leprosy. In next mails I will explain in detail about my cleansing routine, diet and other aspects which promoted a healthy and happy life.
I was first diagnosed as Leprosy Positive at the age of 20, (37 years back in the Year 1979) with primary deformities like loss of sensation in Hands and Foot which later lead to wounds on hands and foot. After my Beggar Guardian passed away I was taken to a beggar home at Delhi and on routine medical checkup I was diagnosed Hansen’s positive and immediately admitted to aLeprosy Hospital outside the Capital. Medical Treatment was initiated and Cleaning and dressing helped my wounds recovery.

I was cured completely from Leprosy in 1985 with the powerful repeated courses of Multi Drug Therapy (MDT). But reaction worsened my living with nodules all over the body and badly affected my eye sight and physical movements.
I was restless and could not bear the pain and physical and mental exhaustion. One fine day, in 1987, I managed to escape from hospital and soon accepted by professional beggars on the streets due to my special looks and dressings on hands and foot ! My new beggar friends offered effective medicine for pain and exhaustion through special pain killer tablets/powder to be taken with coffee. I gradually got addicted to coffee which forced me to change places and my worst days started.
I wandered desperately all over northern India from place to pace in search of a permanent solution for all my health problems and finally decided to end my life by jumping into the river Ganga at Haridwar. It was middle of Rainy season and the river, flooding with full force took me instantly. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on the bank of river Ganga covered with warm blankets ! While I slowly recollected my efforts of suicide, a Sadhu neared me with a cup of tea. I badly needed one and grabbed it. He smiled and said
You are born again and saved by Mother Ganga, so relax and enjoy the tea.
The Sadhu’s name was Somnath, who saved me from drowning. He heard my story and took me to Badrinath. There he took me to a saintly person, popular as Badri Baba, mostly seen on the banks of Saraswati.
Badri Baba just asked me to take a dip in the river and gave some ash like powder to apply on the wounds. He heard my story, smiled and said
Know, Respect and Balance Your Prakrati and Enjoy Your stay on this earth.
I was with him for 3 days. He explained how to clean our internal system and advised what, how and when to eat. Then advised to go to Haridwar and stay for six months near an Ashram where only Kichadi was served as Prasad!
Initially I could not believe in these simple remedial measures but as I started applying them, benefits multiplied! His simple cleansing techniques worked like miracle on me. In Six months my ulcers were healed and my eye sight improved in a year’s time. Digestion related problems and Chronic Fatigue simply disappeared. After two years of new routine my body and mind started experiencing new Joy within!
I got freedom from addiction and cravings for coffee and other spicy and oily foods. I discovered a valuable treasure in me i.e. natural, healthy and happy way of living.
I left Haridwar in 2011 as I could not get a place to work and live due to my history with Leprosy. I reached Mumbai with newly discovered way of living and aim to serve and motivate Leprosy affected. Luckily Mumbai accepted me and offered to serve as Care Taker in a Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre.
Here I could enhance my knowledge with help of TV and Computers. People visiting this place still have doubts and strange questions about Leprosy. My story makes them feel comfortable with Leprosy and affected persons. From my experience I know most of the health problems recur in leprosy affected are due to wrong food habits and lack of self care.
Right now my aim is to know more about Ayurveda and learn to apply it in life properly. I also want to educate Leprosy affected on how to live a Healthy and Fit Life after Leprosy.
Since last three years I improved my language skills and started reading more articles on Health and Ayurveda. I learned to operate Computer and enhance knowledge via Internet!
In the next letter I would like to share my daily cleansing routine which has helped me recover from all the chronic problems.
Thank You
God Bless You
Ramdas Pai
This is the part 2 of an incredible real life story of transformation of Mr Ramdas Pai.
My Remedies – Mr Ramdas Pai.
My 40 year old addiction for Coffee disappeared within 2 months of starting cleansing routine.
Since then I spent much time in the library reading articles and books on healthcare and learned a lot on how to live healthy. Even today I apply Ayurveda and Yoga in my day to day life.
“Dear Hebbar Ji,
Here I am sending My Personally Tried Remedies for problems related to Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tooth and Throat.
I salute those Sadhus of Badrinath and Haridwar who advised me these simple, effective remedies.
By the time I got cured from Leprosy by MDT (Multi Drug Therapy), side effects and reaction caused enough damage to my eyes, ears, nose, tooth and throat.

My Eye Sight deteriorated, Ear ache, Nose block very often in winter and rainy season, Molars partially lost due to decay and cavities, Throat infection and chronic cough, all these made my living miserable !
I started with the Cleansing routine (See Details in my article “Journey from Leprosy stricken beggar to Social Worker – Remedies”) and then applied these remedies.
Remedies for Eye problems –
Swish with mouthful of water and gently wash eyes with clean water 3 to 5 times. Repeat this step 3 to 5 times in the morning and just before going to bed.
Note : Should not watch TV, mobile after this step.
Remedy For Ear problem –
Continue swishing with water on left side of the mouth and slowly rub the Right earlobe back and forth with Right palm. Spit out water. Again Swish on right side of the mouth and rub the Left earlobe back and forth slowly with Left palm.
Then close both the Ears with Thumbs and continue swishing 3 to 5 times with a humming sound. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
Remedy For Nose problems –
Apply ghee or edible oil with forefinger in circular motion inside the nostrils. Then Continue swishing water. Slowly bend your head forward and backward. While bending forward take palm full water, dip the the nose in and slowly inhale and release water 2 to 3 times. Repeat whole process 2 to 3 times.
Remedy for Tooth and Gums problem –
You need to do some preparations ahead of starting the remedy. Get some dry wood pieces preferably of Mango/Neem/Banyan and burn them to make charcoal. Make fine Powder and store it in a earthen or metal container.
In the morning (after Mouth Cleaning routine) take a pinch of charcoal powder and gently apply or Massage the teeth and gums. Then take a pinch of powdered Salt and apply or massage the same way. Then take mouthful of water and swish vigorously 3 to 5 times. Repeat if necessary.
Note : During this remedy avoid Toothbrush and Toothpaste.
Remedy For Throat related problems –
After Mouth Cleaning routine, Take mouthful water with a pinch of turmeric powder or salt.
Close both the ears with the thumbs and swish.
Repeat 5 to 6 times.
These remedies have solved my problems. Today I can see and read without glasses. Ear is free from ache, Nose is clear and sinus free, Teeth cleaner and healthier, Breathing easy, Voice is clear, forgotten coughing!
Thank You
God Bless You.
Dear Shri Hebbar Ji,
Thank You very much for encouraging words and inviting me to share my experiences. In this letter, I would like to brief my life after Leprosy. In next mails I will explain in detail about my cleansing routine, diet and other aspects which promoted a healthy and happy life.
I was first diagnosed as Leprosy Positive at the age of 20, (37 years back in the Year 1979) with primary deformities like loss of sensation in Hands and Foot which later lead to wounds on hands and foot. After my Beggar Guardian passed away I was taken to a beggar home at Delhi and on routine medical checkup I was diagnosed Hansen’s positive and immediately admitted to aLeprosy Hospital outside the Capital. Medical Treatment was initiated and Cleaning and dressing helped my wounds recovery.
I was cured completely from Leprosy in 1985 with the powerful repeated courses of Multi Drug Therapy (MDT). But reaction worsened my living with nodules all over the body and badly affected my eye sight and physical movements.
I was restless and could not bear the pain and physical and mental exhaustion. One fine day, in 1987, I managed to escape from hospital and soon accepted by professional beggars on the streets due to my special looks and dressings on hands and foot ! My new beggar friends offered effective medicine for pain and exhaustion through special pain killer tablets/powder to be taken with coffee. I gradually got addicted to coffee which forced me to change places and my worst days started.
I wandered desperately all over northern India from place to pace in search of a permanent solution for all my health problems and finally decided to end my life by jumping into the river Ganga at Haridwar. It was middle of Rainy season and the river, flooding with full force took me instantly. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on the bank of river Ganga covered with warm blankets ! While I slowly recollected my efforts of suicide, a Sadhu neared me with a cup of tea. I badly needed one and grabbed it. He smiled and said
You are born again and saved by Mother Ganga, so relax and enjoy the tea.
The Sadhu’s name was Somnath, who saved me from drowning. He heard my story and took me to Badrinath. There he took me to a saintly person, popular as Badri Baba, mostly seen on the banks of Saraswati.
Badri Baba just asked me to take a dip in the river and gave some ash like powder to apply on the wounds. He heard my story, smiled and said
Know, Respect and Balance Your Prakrati and Enjoy Your stay on this earth.
I was with him for 3 days. He explained how to clean our internal system and advised what, how and when to eat. Then advised to go to Haridwar and stay for six months near an Ashram where only Kichadi was served as Prasad!
Initially I could not believe in these simple remedial measures but as I started applying them, benefits multiplied! His simple cleansing techniques worked like miracle on me. In Six months my ulcers were healed and my eye sight improved in a year’s time. Digestion related problems and Chronic Fatigue simply disappeared. After two years of new routine my body and mind started experiencing new Joy within!
I got freedom from addiction and cravings for coffee and other spicy and oily foods. I discovered a valuable treasure in me i.e. natural, healthy and happy way of living.
I left Haridwar in 2011 as I could not get a place to work and live due to my history with Leprosy. I reached Mumbai with newly discovered way of living and aim to serve and motivate Leprosy affected. Luckily Mumbai accepted me and offered to serve as Care Taker in a Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre.
Here I could enhance my knowledge with help of TV and Computers. People visiting this place still have doubts and strange questions about Leprosy. My story makes them feel comfortable with Leprosy and affected persons. From my experience I know most of the health problems recur in leprosy affected are due to wrong food habits and lack of self care.
Right now my aim is to know more about Ayurveda and learn to apply it in life properly. I also want to educate Leprosy affected on how to live a Healthy and Fit Life after Leprosy.
Since last three years I improved my language skills and started reading more articles on Health and Ayurveda. I learned to operate Computer and enhance knowledge via Internet!
In the next letter I would like to share my daily cleansing routine which has helped me recover from all the chronic problems.
Thank You
God Bless You
Ramdas Pai
Journey From Leprosy Stricken Beggar To Social Worker – Remedies
This is the part 2 of an incredible real life story of transformation of Mr Ramdas Pai.
My Remedies – Mr Ramdas Pai.
Sadhu of Badrinath looked at my Leprosy affected hands and foot for a while, then laughed and said
Lets start with Basics
He briefed about the right food and lifestyle for my Prakriti and suggested a cleansing routine and diet.

Lets start with Basics
He briefed about the right food and lifestyle for my Prakriti and suggested a cleansing routine and diet.
- My daily routine started with cleaning the mouth. Swishing with water and a pinch of salt 2 to 3 times.
- Then taking a few drops of ghee (approximately quarter teaspoon) on tongue and smear inside the mouth and swish again with water for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Spit out everything and wash mouth with water 2 to 3 times. Remember to spit out completely after every swish.
- Then tongue scrapping. I used mango / banyan / neem twig or leaf as tongue scrapper and toothbrush. Midrib of leaf or tender twig as scrapper and rolled leaf or piece of twig served as toothbrush. I never used Branded Toothpaste or Brush since then.
- Swishing and gargling followed by sipping a few cups of water. I used to feel fresh for hours after this routine. This also regulated my bowels and digestion.
- Searching for right food I moved to Haridwar where I luckily found an Ashram where Kichadi was served as Prasad.
- Another Ashram offered butter milk with ginger / jeera (cumin) and coriander leaf added to it. This healthy drink is still my favourite after lunch.
- Soaking the foot in river Ganga helped in healing the wounds naturally.
- Ash of burnt neem leaves helped in drying up ulcers. Thus I recovered from after effects of Leprosy and other problems like indigestion, insomnia, body pain, fatigue and chronic ulcers on hand and foot.
My 40 year old addiction for Coffee disappeared within 2 months of starting cleansing routine.
- Started enjoying simple Kichadi as Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (before 7pm) in place of oily snacks and spicy meals.
- Bhajan and Satsang programs helped in washing away the unwanted thoughts and calming the mind for a sound sleep.
- Once on the way to famous Mansa Devi Temple, I met another Sadhu who taught me some simple Yoga Kriyas which slowly enhanced Energy level and feeling of well-being.
- My eyesight improved in a Year and I was able to read News Papers and books without glasses.
Since then I spent much time in the library reading articles and books on healthcare and learned a lot on how to live healthy. Even today I apply Ayurveda and Yoga in my day to day life.
- These days I follow a simple cleansing routine. Instead of Ghee I use Coconut Oil to swish which suits my Prakriti.
- I still use Mango leaf, which is plenty where I live these days, as Scrapper and Toothbrush.
- I take simple breakfast, lunch and light dinner according to my Prikrati and Seasonal changes.
- I dont depend on Antibiotics or Sedative these days.
After failed in getting a job due to social stigma about leprosy and my non schooling background, Now I am voluntarily serving the Leprosy affected persons who are separated from their families and the society. I am comfortable with them as I am familiar with the suffering, pain, desperation and exhaustion of the Leprosy affected for more than 30 years.
Thanks to Ayurveda and Yoga and the kind Sadhus who gifted me a Healthy and Happy Life again.
Mr Ramdas Pai
email id-
Thanks to Ayurveda and Yoga and the kind Sadhus who gifted me a Healthy and Happy Life again.
Mr Ramdas Pai
email id-
“Dear Hebbar Ji,
Here I am sending My Personally Tried Remedies for problems related to Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tooth and Throat.
I salute those Sadhus of Badrinath and Haridwar who advised me these simple, effective remedies.
By the time I got cured from Leprosy by MDT (Multi Drug Therapy), side effects and reaction caused enough damage to my eyes, ears, nose, tooth and throat.
My Eye Sight deteriorated, Ear ache, Nose block very often in winter and rainy season, Molars partially lost due to decay and cavities, Throat infection and chronic cough, all these made my living miserable !
I started with the Cleansing routine (See Details in my article “Journey from Leprosy stricken beggar to Social Worker – Remedies”) and then applied these remedies.
Remedies for Eye problems –
Swish with mouthful of water and gently wash eyes with clean water 3 to 5 times. Repeat this step 3 to 5 times in the morning and just before going to bed.
Note : Should not watch TV, mobile after this step.
Remedy For Ear problem –
Continue swishing with water on left side of the mouth and slowly rub the Right earlobe back and forth with Right palm. Spit out water. Again Swish on right side of the mouth and rub the Left earlobe back and forth slowly with Left palm.
Then close both the Ears with Thumbs and continue swishing 3 to 5 times with a humming sound. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
Remedy For Nose problems –
Apply ghee or edible oil with forefinger in circular motion inside the nostrils. Then Continue swishing water. Slowly bend your head forward and backward. While bending forward take palm full water, dip the the nose in and slowly inhale and release water 2 to 3 times. Repeat whole process 2 to 3 times.
Remedy for Tooth and Gums problem –
You need to do some preparations ahead of starting the remedy. Get some dry wood pieces preferably of Mango/Neem/Banyan and burn them to make charcoal. Make fine Powder and store it in a earthen or metal container.
In the morning (after Mouth Cleaning routine) take a pinch of charcoal powder and gently apply or Massage the teeth and gums. Then take a pinch of powdered Salt and apply or massage the same way. Then take mouthful of water and swish vigorously 3 to 5 times. Repeat if necessary.
Note : During this remedy avoid Toothbrush and Toothpaste.
Remedy For Throat related problems –
After Mouth Cleaning routine, Take mouthful water with a pinch of turmeric powder or salt.
Close both the ears with the thumbs and swish.
Repeat 5 to 6 times.
These remedies have solved my problems. Today I can see and read without glasses. Ear is free from ache, Nose is clear and sinus free, Teeth cleaner and healthier, Breathing easy, Voice is clear, forgotten coughing!
Thank You
God Bless You.
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