Juice Therapy: 70 Juice And Smoothie Recipes To TryDr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D. N. M.D.
Spinach has iron content which may get bonded with oxalate in body tissues, hence while making spinach juice use a little tamarind to it.
Among all fruits and vegetables, lemon, coconut water, wheat grass juice and apple juice are mostly effective for everyone for majority of diseases.

Here is a list of few common diseases with recommended juices:-
There are a set of general rules of fasting. How to prepare on the previous day, etc. Read here – Rules of fasting.
The basic rule is to avoid all sorts of food and only take fruit juice or vegetable juice through out the time of fasting.
It is better to do juice fasting for one day only.
It is better to avoid adding sugar, while making the juice recipe for fasting.
How to select juice recipes for fasting?
Your doctor will be the best judge. Here are a few guidelines.
In a few conditions, few types of fruits are best avoided.
Example – fruits and vegetables containing oxalates, such as berries, grapes, spinach, celery, beans are best avoided by a patient with kidney stones.
Juice of fruits and vegetables that stimulate stomach are best avoided – like ginger juice.
Ideal juice recipes for fasting –
Orange juice fasting – It is very ideal. This comes with loaded benefits of orange fruits. Good for stomach, liver, heart and kidneys. For fasting newbies, who are scared of hunger, orange juice fasting is quite handy.
Grape juice fating – This carries all the health benefits of grapes.
Coconut water fasting
Sesame juice fasting –
Kokum juice for fasting –
Sugarcane juice for fasting –
Amla juice fasting –
Aloe vera juice fasting –
Balanced diet is a password for good health. Generally we opt for juices as a dietary substitute. Conditions may be worse by taking any fruit juice at wrong time. Due to availability of each fruit in every season, we go wrong sometimes. Hence the selection of accurate fruits at appropriate time is essential.
In some incurable chronic diseases where medicines stop their working, the fruit and vegetable juices are proven better efficient remedy for healing. Juices has no need of digestion, as they are easily metabolized, absorbed by digestive system. They maintain acid – alkaline balance in the blood and body tissues. Juices contain different vitamins, enzymes, minerals, natural medicinal properties, trace elements and natural sugar. They are having vegetable hormones, antibodies, hence are effective as detoxifiers, antioxidants and nutritive in nature.
Read related: How To Do Juice Fasting? Ideal juice recipes for fasting – Ayurveda Method

It is better to use fresh, ripe and seasonal fruits. Juice must be taken immediately after preparation; packaged, canned and refrigerated juices may be avoided. Juices may be prepared with unique or cocktail of more fruits and vegetables. As they are having natural sugar, do not add extra sugar to them. Do not add milk to juice (milk – shake) it is an antagonistic. Never take juices at night.
For healthy persons juices with mixed vegetables may be avoided, patients suffering from diseases may take a combination of it.
In some incurable chronic diseases where medicines stop their working, the fruit and vegetable juices are proven better efficient remedy for healing. Juices has no need of digestion, as they are easily metabolized, absorbed by digestive system. They maintain acid – alkaline balance in the blood and body tissues. Juices contain different vitamins, enzymes, minerals, natural medicinal properties, trace elements and natural sugar. They are having vegetable hormones, antibodies, hence are effective as detoxifiers, antioxidants and nutritive in nature.
Read related: How To Do Juice Fasting? Ideal juice recipes for fasting – Ayurveda Method
It is better to use fresh, ripe and seasonal fruits. Juice must be taken immediately after preparation; packaged, canned and refrigerated juices may be avoided. Juices may be prepared with unique or cocktail of more fruits and vegetables. As they are having natural sugar, do not add extra sugar to them. Do not add milk to juice (milk – shake) it is an antagonistic. Never take juices at night.
For healthy persons juices with mixed vegetables may be avoided, patients suffering from diseases may take a combination of it.
Spinach has iron content which may get bonded with oxalate in body tissues, hence while making spinach juice use a little tamarind to it.
Among all fruits and vegetables, lemon, coconut water, wheat grass juice and apple juice are mostly effective for everyone for majority of diseases.
Here is a list of few common diseases with recommended juices:-
- Acidity: Grapes, orange, sweet orange, carrot, spinach, cabbage, carrot. Cabbage + carrot: cucumber, cucumber + apple: potato, apple.
- Allergies: Apricot, grapes, beat, spinach, carrot
- Acne: Pear, plum, grapes, cucumber, tomato
- Arteriosclerosis: Grape pineapple, celery, spinach, carrot + spinach:, cabbage, beet, tomato, bitter gourd.
- Anemia: Red grape, prune, beat, celery, mix veg, cabbage, bitter guard, tomato, strawberry, carrot, spinach
- Appetite: Lemon, bitter guard, carrot, ginger, garlic.
- Arthritis: Apple, pineapple, cherry, lemon, grape, cucumber, beat, spinach, carrot, cabbage, better guard, coconut, wheat grass.
- Asthma: Peach, lemon, apricot, carrot, radish, celery, carrot + cabbage + beet: potato + apple: garlic + papaya.
- Bronchitis: Carrot, onion, peach, tomato, pineapple, lemon, ginger + honey + lemon+ Luke warm water+ onion + garlic+ with Luke warm water: cabbage, cucumber, radish.
- Bladder ailments: Apple, parsley, beet, celery, lemon, cucumber, carrot, watermelon, grape, pineapple, coconut water.
- Cancer: Carrot, grapes, apple, beet, papaya, ginger, tomato, wheat grass, semi matured curd.
- Colds: Celery, garlic, radish, carrot, spinach, onion, grape, pineapple
- Colitis: Carrot+ spinach, cabbage, cucumber, apple, beet, potato, bel, orange.
- Cough: Honey + lemon, carrot+ garlic+ onion, onion+ basil leaf.
- Communicable disease: Lemon+ honey, garlic+ onion, carrot, sweat orange, orange.
- Cholera: Bel + mint, garlic+ onion, coconut water.
- Constipation: Spinach+ carrot, potato= cucumber+ apple, fig, bel, guava, orange.
- Dental disorders: Carrot, apple, guava, orange, vegetables,
- Diabetes: jamun, Bitter gourd, Celery, lemon, orange, sweet orange, lettuce, spinach, carrot, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, French beans.
- Diarrheas: Bel, apple, garlic, wet turmeric, beet, Papaya, lemon, pineapple, celery, carrot
- Diphtheria: Pineapple+ onion.
- Dysentery: Buttermilk, pomegranate, lemon.
- Epilepsy: Carrots, grapes, figs, spinach, celery
- Eczema: Beat, red grapes, spinach, cucumber.
- Eye disorder: Carrot, mix vegetables, radish, apricot, tomato, parsley, spinach, celery
- Fracture: Spinach+ amaranth, fenugreek, + drum steaks, amla, cucumber, carrot, guava, papaya.
- Fever: Lemon+ honey, garlic+ onion, white guard, basil, pomegranate, orange, sweat orange.
- Gout: Tomato, cucumber, spinach, carrot, celery, cherries, lemon+ water, water+ garlic+ onion, French beans, potato.
- Halitosis: Spinach, carrot, celery, apple, tomato, grapes
- Heart diseases: Carrot, papaya, pomegranate, grapes, cucumber, lemon, spinach, beat, honey, coconut water, garlic, pineapple.
- Headache: Spinach, jigger, beat, cucumber, tomato, apple, lettuce, carrot, lemon, grapes
- High blood pressure: Garlic, basil leaf, wheat grass, cucumber, papaya, Beat, carrot, orange, grapes,
- Hiccups: Pineapple, tomato.
- Hypercholesterolemia: Basil, garlic, onion.
- Insomnia: Celery, carrot, lemon, apple, grapes
- Influenza: Grape, honey+ lemon, garlic+ onion, pineapple, orange, apricot, onion, carrot
- Indigestion: Lemon+ garlic+ ginger, papaya, pineapple, cucumber, carrot, beet, cabbage.
- Intestinal disorder: Cabbage, cucumber, papaya, potato.
- Internal hemorrhage: Apple, carrot, lemon.
- Jaundice: Sugarcane, pear, grapes, carrot, celery, spinach, lemon, cucumber, amla.
- Kidney ailments: Lemon, watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, spinach, celery, carrot, grapes, amla, pear, Orange, lemon, cucumber, apple, celery, parsley, beat.
- Kidney stones: Horse beans+ carrot, cucumber, beat, apple, pumpkin, watermelon. Do not take vegetable juice.
- Liver ailments: Sugarcane, bitter guard, white guard, wet turmeric, orange, apple, Cucumber, beat, tomato, carrot, grape, papaya
- Menstrual disorder: Carrot, papaya, pineapple, cabbage, Spinach, grapes ,trumps, beet, prunes
- Mind refresher: Watermelon, orange, grapes, lemon.
- Migraine: Lemon+ ginger.
- Nervous disorders: Wheat grass, French beans, vegetables.
- Obesity: Cucumber+ carrot+ tomato, Lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beat, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, carrot
- Vomiting: Pomegranate, papaya, lemon, orange.
- Oral lichen: Cabbage + amaranth.
- Osteoporosis: Radish, cabbage, germinated legumes.
- Pneumonia: Ginger+ lemon + honey, garlic+ onion, basil, sweet orange, orange.
- Pimples: Carrot + spinach, potato+ beet, cucumber+ grapes. Papaya, water melon.
- Piles: Potato, carrot, figs, vegetables, wheat grass, spinach, amaranth.
- Potency: Carrot, spinach, tomato, wheat grass.
- Pregnancy: Carrot, tomato, apple, fig, beet, white guard, vegetable juice. Do not take papaya.
- Prostate: Pumpkin, beet.
- Psoriasis: Cucumber, beet, grapes, carrot, apple.
- Pyorrhea: Carrot, apple, guava, lemon, orange, vegetables, garlic, onion.
- Rejuvenation: Carrot, grapes, orange, spinach, wheat grass, amla,
- Sex disorders: Carrot+ spinach, beet+ cucumber +apple, pumpkin, wheat grass.
- Scurvy: Amla, lemon, orange, guava, radish, potato, pineapple, chery.
- Skin disorders: Spinach+ carrot, potato, beet, cucumber, turmeric, watermelon, guava, apple, orange, papaya.
- Skin color shine: Tomato+ wet turmeric, beet+ apple, guava+ papaya + cucumber.
- Splenomegaly: Papaya, jamun, lemon+ wet turmeric, garlic, onion, carrot.
- Stomach ulcer: Cabbage, cucumber, potato.
- Sleeplessness: Apple, grapes, guava, potato, carrot+ spinach,
- Sun stroke: Amla, coriander, orange, sweet orange, watermelon, melon, cucumber, onion.
- Throat infection: Honey+ lemon, carrot+ beet +cucumber, pineapple., ginger+ garlic+ onion, wet turmeric.
- Tonsillitis: Orange, lemon, apricot, pineapple, spinach, radish, carrot
- Tuberculosis: Carrot, garlic, lemon, honey.
- Varicose veins: Grapes, watercress, plums, tomato, beet, carrot
- Weight gain: Banana, all fruits.
- Intestinal Worms: Garlic + onion, pumpkin + fenugreek + mint, papaya, potato
This is a common therapy in the Yoga system, where the backbone problems are also covered by this method within fifteen days without any traction or painkillers. It is also known as juice fasting.
Juice fasting removes toxicants from the by through the respiratory, excretory and digestive system. In this method the juices are given sometimes with the cocktails of certain vegetables or honey.
Facts about soft drinks:
Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D. N. M.D. (A.M.)
Facts about soft drinks:
- Diseases flourish in acidic medium, cold drinks are acidic.
- Soft drinks damage the kidneys.
- High level of Hydroxyl Methyl Furfural content damage nerves, genes, cells.
- Cola drinks provide zero nourishment.
- Caffeine is addictive, cola provide it.
- Birth defects and potency, osteolologic disorders caused by cold drinks.
- Cola drinks contains caramel coloring which has genetic effects and is cancer causing suspect.
- Bubbles and fizz are not innocent; they can potently burn human body inside by the phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide.
- Soft drinks may cause allergies.
Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D. N. M.D. (A.M.)
How To Do Juice Fasting? Ideal juice recipes for fasting – Ayurveda Method
Juice fasting is a safer method of fasting, when compared to complete fasting or water fasting. The success of juice fasting largely depends on the choice of juice recipes for fasting.
The choice of juice recipe can be made based on your health / disease condition, strength of your stomach and the target organ or target system of your body.
How to do juice fasting?
Any type of fasting should always be done under medical supervision.
How to do juice fasting?
Any type of fasting should always be done under medical supervision.
There are a set of general rules of fasting. How to prepare on the previous day, etc. Read here – Rules of fasting.
The basic rule is to avoid all sorts of food and only take fruit juice or vegetable juice through out the time of fasting.
It is better to do juice fasting for one day only.
It is better to avoid adding sugar, while making the juice recipe for fasting.
How to select juice recipes for fasting?
Your doctor will be the best judge. Here are a few guidelines.
In a few conditions, few types of fruits are best avoided.
Example – fruits and vegetables containing oxalates, such as berries, grapes, spinach, celery, beans are best avoided by a patient with kidney stones.
Juice of fruits and vegetables that stimulate stomach are best avoided – like ginger juice.
Ideal juice recipes for fasting –
Orange juice fasting – It is very ideal. This comes with loaded benefits of orange fruits. Good for stomach, liver, heart and kidneys. For fasting newbies, who are scared of hunger, orange juice fasting is quite handy.
Grape juice fating – This carries all the health benefits of grapes.
- Good for those targeting liver, stomach and intestines.
- Comes with natural colon cleansing advantage.
- Has calming effect over stomach.
- May make you pass stools a couple of times.
- Many not be ideal for those who suffer from frequent cold attacks, as it is coolant in nature.
Coconut water fasting
- Ideal for newbies
- has calming and coolant effect over stomach and intestines.
- Not ideal for those suffering from frequent cold attacks.
- Not ideal during winter.
- Does natural urinary bladder cleanse
- Calms Pitta.
Sesame juice fasting –
- Good for those having frequent cold.
- Has hot nature, hence not ideal for Pitta body type people.
- Improves intelligence and strength of teeth.
Kokum juice for fasting –
- Good for heart.
- Good for liver and small intestines.
- Ideal for those doing juice fasting for weight loss
- One of the ideal fruit juices.
- Pomegranate Balances Tridosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
- Cleanses oral cavity, and throat.
- Good for stomach health.
- May cause constipation in few.
- One of the ideal juices. Good for heart, liver, stomach and intestines.
- Has stimulative effect over different body parts.
- Ideal for those doing juice fasting for weight loss
- Good for people with any body type.
Sugarcane juice for fasting –
- Ideal only for newbies, as it is rich in carbohydrates and keep you well nourished even during fasting.
- But has good value, as it comes with sugarcane juice benefits.
- Does natural bladder cleanse.
- Not ideal for diabetics.
Amla juice fasting –
- One of the ideal juice recipes for fasting.
- Good for all three Doshas.
- Calming effect over stomach.
- Immense health benefits of Amla.
- Natural anti oxidant advantage
- Does rejuvenation.
Aloe vera juice fasting –
- Good for liver
- Improves stomach strength.
- Good for those having frequent skin issues like acne.
Fasting has its spiritual connections and garlic is told that it increases Tamas (darkness of mind) Hence, if your fasting has spiritual angle, better to avoid garlic juice.
Ginger, pepper, etc – Not ideal because they may cause excessive burning sensation in stomach.
Apple juice – One of the good ones.
If you are doing fasting for 2 or 3 days (which is not always recommended), a mixture of the above juice recipes for fasting can be tried.
Ginger, pepper, etc – Not ideal because they may cause excessive burning sensation in stomach.
Apple juice – One of the good ones.
If you are doing fasting for 2 or 3 days (which is not always recommended), a mixture of the above juice recipes for fasting can be tried.
This was a nice and informative blog.
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