Simple Natural Relief for Knee Joint Pains and All General Minor Body Aches with a Leaf

In rural Andhra Pradesh, people collect the leaves of the Vavili plant which grow like a shrub. If you boil it in hot water, the liquid has pain relieving properties. The extract is often used while giving bath to women who have under gone child delivery so that she will get relief from the general body aches she had during the delivery time. It is also used for those suffering from osteoarthritis to relieve joint pain.
Other names for this Ayurvedic herb are Nirgundi, or Vitex Negundo.
Actually I have seen in the case of moderate and severe osteoarthritis cases with 1) swelling, pain, and redness of the knee joint, 2) hot to the touch without signs of infection, 3) inability to flex the joint and walk, that such people have received lots of relief from this simple medicine.
In one case a joint specialist in a corporate hospital suggested in this case some pain relieving drugs and said that if the response is not there one has to go for joint replacement. But the natural leaves of Vavili Trifoliate helped in reducing the swelling as well as the pain, and the patient is now able to walk better. 2 or 3 leaves have to be taken orally after washing them, and chewed/swallowed. The leaves are a little bitter to taste, but it is a great natural medicine.
People from the forest agriculture research centres often grow these plants, as they know that it is having medicinal value and there is some research to extract the chemical that is giving the pain relief results.
If you want to grow the plant yourself, small branches obliquely cut from the plant can be grown and it easily grows very quickly. It is not dangerous to swallow and can be tested by first eating one part of the leaf and see if you get any allergic symptoms. You can chew and swallow them daily and you will see the results in a weeks time.
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo Uses, Dose, Side Effects, Research
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo is a very good muscle relaxant, pain relieving, anti mosquito, anti anxiety, anti asthma and so on, herb of Ayurveda. There are very less herbs as multi-talented and as versatile as Nirgundi is. Used both for external application in the form of paste / oil, and also for oral administration in the form of powder, leaf juice extract or water decoction.

Botanical Name- Vitex Negundo Linn.
Family- VERBINACEAE (Nirgundi Kula)
Hindi Name- Sambhalu, mewri, Nisinda, Sawbhalu
Telugu Name- indhuvara; Vavili; Nalla-vavili; Tella-vavili, Lekkali
Tamil Name-Chinduvaram; Nirnochchi; Nochchi; Notchi; Vellai-nochchi
Bengali Name- Nirgundi; Nishinda; Samalu
English – Five Leaved Chaste
Filipino – Lagundi
Assamese – Pochotia
Chinese name – Huang jing
Kannada name – Bile-nekki, Lakki soppu, Lakki gida, Lekki gida
Punjabi name – Banna; Marwan; Maura; Mawa; Swanjan Torbanna

Sanskrit Synonyms
Nirgundi – Nirgudati Shareeram rakshati rogebhyaha – which protects body from diseases
Sindhuvara – Sindu shotham vaarayati it sinduvaraha – which helps to relieve inflammation
Shephalika, Suvaha, Sinduka, Sinduvara, Surasa, Shvetapushpa (white coloured flower), Nilamanjari, Vanaja, Hutakeshi
Classical Categorization
Charaka –
Vishaghna — anti poisonous group of herbs
Krimighna – anti worm group of herbs
Susruta and Vagbhata – Surasadi
Different Varieties of Nirgundi (Sambhalu) –
About six species of Vitex genus were studied for phytochemical profile. Nearly same constituents were present in all species. (Krishna Rao & Jean, 1996)
Vitex Negundo chemical Constituents
Phenol, Dulcitol, Alkaloid-Vitricine, B-sitosterol, Camphene, a- And B- Pinenes, Angoside, Acunbin, Casticin, Artemetin, Orientin etc.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo – medicinal qualities:
Rasa (taste) – Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter)
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness)
Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Veerya -Ushna – hot potency
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Kapha.
Nirgundi – Part used- Leaf, root, seeds
Five leaved chaste Dose
Leaf juice 10-20 ml,
Root bark powder 3-6 g,
Seed powder 3-6 g, in divided doses per day, is the adult dose.

Vitex negundo uses:
Krumi – useful in intestinal worm infestation
Kushta – useful in skin diseases, eczema, ring worm
Rujapaha – relieves muscle and arthritis related pain
Pleeha – useful in spleen disorder
Gulma – useful in abdominal tumor
Aruchi – useful in anorexia
Medhya – improves intelligence, relieves anxiety
Netrahita, Chakshushya – good for eyes,
Deepani – carminative
Keshya – improves hair quality
Vishapaha — anti toxic, anti poisonous
Shulahara – useful in abdominal colic, anti spasmoidic
Amahara – useful in Ama (a product of altered digestion and metabolism)
Medohara – useful against cholesterol
Vranahara – heals wounds faster
Vranakurmi here – cleanses wounds
Pratishyaya – useful in running nose
Shwasahara – useful in asthma, bronchitis
Kasahara – useful in cold, cough
Smrutida – improves memory
Its fumes are useful in getting rid of mosquitoes.
External application:
The leave is made into paste, heated a little and applied externally to relieve headache, orchitis (swelling in testicles), rheumatoid and osteo arthritis.
Water decoction of Nirgundi is used for vaginal douche to relieve local inflammation
Water decoction is used for mouth gargling to relieve throat pain and oral ulcers.
The dry leaves are burnt and fumes are inhaled to relieve headache and running nose.
Its oil is prepared with sesame oil and used in wound healing and grey hairs.
Vitex negundo – research:
Larvicidal activity against mosquito larvae
Hepato-protective activity of ethanolic activity
Anitpyretic activity of alcoholic extractAnti fungal activityAnxiolytic activity
Ayurvedic medicines with Vitex negundo –
Saraswatarishta, Manasamitra vatakam – Nirgundi being anxiolytic and medhya (improving intelligence), helps these medicines to fight anxiety and depression. Also, it also relieves pain. Hence, useful in fibro-myalgia, associated with depression.
Dashamool Taila – useful in vascular headache, migraine
Mahavat Vidhwans Ras – useful in neuralgia, aches and pains
Anthrakutaram gulika – useful in abdominal colic, constipation, bloating
In rural Andhra Pradesh, people collect the leaves of the Vavili plant which grow like a shrub. If you boil it in hot water, the liquid has pain relieving properties. The extract is often used while giving bath to women who have under gone child delivery so that she will get relief from the general body aches she had during the delivery time. It is also used for those suffering from osteoarthritis to relieve joint pain.
Other names for this Ayurvedic herb are Nirgundi, or Vitex Negundo.
Actually I have seen in the case of moderate and severe osteoarthritis cases with 1) swelling, pain, and redness of the knee joint, 2) hot to the touch without signs of infection, 3) inability to flex the joint and walk, that such people have received lots of relief from this simple medicine.
In one case a joint specialist in a corporate hospital suggested in this case some pain relieving drugs and said that if the response is not there one has to go for joint replacement. But the natural leaves of Vavili Trifoliate helped in reducing the swelling as well as the pain, and the patient is now able to walk better. 2 or 3 leaves have to be taken orally after washing them, and chewed/swallowed. The leaves are a little bitter to taste, but it is a great natural medicine.
People from the forest agriculture research centres often grow these plants, as they know that it is having medicinal value and there is some research to extract the chemical that is giving the pain relief results.
If you want to grow the plant yourself, small branches obliquely cut from the plant can be grown and it easily grows very quickly. It is not dangerous to swallow and can be tested by first eating one part of the leaf and see if you get any allergic symptoms. You can chew and swallow them daily and you will see the results in a weeks time.
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo Uses, Dose, Side Effects, Research
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo is a very good muscle relaxant, pain relieving, anti mosquito, anti anxiety, anti asthma and so on, herb of Ayurveda. There are very less herbs as multi-talented and as versatile as Nirgundi is. Used both for external application in the form of paste / oil, and also for oral administration in the form of powder, leaf juice extract or water decoction.
Botanical Name- Vitex Negundo Linn.
Family- VERBINACEAE (Nirgundi Kula)
Hindi Name- Sambhalu, mewri, Nisinda, Sawbhalu
Telugu Name- indhuvara; Vavili; Nalla-vavili; Tella-vavili, Lekkali
Tamil Name-Chinduvaram; Nirnochchi; Nochchi; Notchi; Vellai-nochchi
Bengali Name- Nirgundi; Nishinda; Samalu
English – Five Leaved Chaste
Filipino – Lagundi
Assamese – Pochotia
Chinese name – Huang jing
Kannada name – Bile-nekki, Lakki soppu, Lakki gida, Lekki gida
Punjabi name – Banna; Marwan; Maura; Mawa; Swanjan Torbanna
Sanskrit Synonyms
Nirgundi – Nirgudati Shareeram rakshati rogebhyaha – which protects body from diseases
Sindhuvara – Sindu shotham vaarayati it sinduvaraha – which helps to relieve inflammation
Shephalika, Suvaha, Sinduka, Sinduvara, Surasa, Shvetapushpa (white coloured flower), Nilamanjari, Vanaja, Hutakeshi
Classical Categorization
Charaka –
Vishaghna — anti poisonous group of herbs
Krimighna – anti worm group of herbs
Susruta and Vagbhata – Surasadi
Different Varieties of Nirgundi (Sambhalu) –
About six species of Vitex genus were studied for phytochemical profile. Nearly same constituents were present in all species. (Krishna Rao & Jean, 1996)
Vitex Negundo chemical Constituents
Phenol, Dulcitol, Alkaloid-Vitricine, B-sitosterol, Camphene, a- And B- Pinenes, Angoside, Acunbin, Casticin, Artemetin, Orientin etc.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo – medicinal qualities:
Rasa (taste) – Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter)
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness)
Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Veerya -Ushna – hot potency
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Kapha.
Nirgundi – Part used- Leaf, root, seeds
Five leaved chaste Dose
Leaf juice 10-20 ml,
Root bark powder 3-6 g,
Seed powder 3-6 g, in divided doses per day, is the adult dose.
Vitex negundo uses:
Krumi – useful in intestinal worm infestation
Kushta – useful in skin diseases, eczema, ring worm
Rujapaha – relieves muscle and arthritis related pain
Pleeha – useful in spleen disorder
Gulma – useful in abdominal tumor
Aruchi – useful in anorexia
Medhya – improves intelligence, relieves anxiety
Netrahita, Chakshushya – good for eyes,
Deepani – carminative
Keshya – improves hair quality
Vishapaha — anti toxic, anti poisonous
Shulahara – useful in abdominal colic, anti spasmoidic
Amahara – useful in Ama (a product of altered digestion and metabolism)
Medohara – useful against cholesterol
Vranahara – heals wounds faster
Vranakurmi here – cleanses wounds
Pratishyaya – useful in running nose
Shwasahara – useful in asthma, bronchitis
Kasahara – useful in cold, cough
Smrutida – improves memory
Its fumes are useful in getting rid of mosquitoes.
External application:
The leave is made into paste, heated a little and applied externally to relieve headache, orchitis (swelling in testicles), rheumatoid and osteo arthritis.
Water decoction of Nirgundi is used for vaginal douche to relieve local inflammation
Water decoction is used for mouth gargling to relieve throat pain and oral ulcers.
The dry leaves are burnt and fumes are inhaled to relieve headache and running nose.
Its oil is prepared with sesame oil and used in wound healing and grey hairs.
Vitex negundo – research:
Larvicidal activity against mosquito larvae
Hepato-protective activity of ethanolic activity
Anitpyretic activity of alcoholic extractAnti fungal activityAnxiolytic activity
Ayurvedic medicines with Vitex negundo –
Saraswatarishta, Manasamitra vatakam – Nirgundi being anxiolytic and medhya (improving intelligence), helps these medicines to fight anxiety and depression. Also, it also relieves pain. Hence, useful in fibro-myalgia, associated with depression.
Dashamool Taila – useful in vascular headache, migraine
Mahavat Vidhwans Ras – useful in neuralgia, aches and pains
Anthrakutaram gulika – useful in abdominal colic, constipation, bloating
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